This website was last updated on April 28,
AccuTrans 3D
32-bit and 64-bit
AccuTrans 3D Version:
Released: October 24, 2021
DLL Version:
Released: October 24, 2021
For Windows Vista / 7 /
8 / 10
Legacy Software
3D Version: 2012.1.0
Released: June 17, 2012
Version: 2012.1.2
Released: February 2, 2014
For Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP
/ Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
AccuTrans 3D provides accurate translation
of 3D geometry between the file formats used by many popular
modeling programs.
Positional and rotational information for
the 3D meshes is maintained.
Also many material attributes, such as color,
index of refraction, reflection, specularity and Phong shading,
are transferred between the files.
Textures and UV coordinates are supported.
The program has been enhanced with additional
features to make it more than just a 3D file conversion program.
- Avatars For Active Worlds and Viewpoint
Scene Builder:
- Batch Mode:
- Convert a list of assorted 3D file formats
to the same 3D file format.
- Other Features:
- When a file is read, objects with more
than one material / color assigned are divided into
sub objects.
- Convert coplanar triangular faces into
Quads (4 sided polygons).
- Align surface normals for 3D Studio,
LightWave, Lightscape, RenderWare and VRML.
- Select and deselect the layers to be
saved to a file.
- Scale 3d objects when either reading
or writing files.
- Create planar, cylindrical or spherical
UV texture coordinates.
- Create bitmaps of any size, one at a
time or in batch mode, to use as thumbnails.
- Create clip map objects and save as
LightWave LWO files
- Multiple Work Area Interface: read and display up to 12 files with
each file in its own Work Area.
- Copy and paste layers from one Work Area to another Work Area.
- Delete selected polygons from a mesh.
- Divide selected polygons in a mesh into
multiple triangles.
- Move triangles from one layer to either
a new layer or another existing layer.
- Creates polygon meshes for exploded
solids that have been saved to a R12 (Release 12) DXF
file. Primitive solids are not supported as AutoCAD
does not write primitive solids to a R12 DXF file
System Requirements:
- IBM Compatible PC with Intel / AMD CPU.
- 2 GB RAM for 32-bit AccuTrans 3D and 4
GB RAM for 64-bit AccuTrans 3D.
- 1024 x 768 screen size with 32 bit color
and a graphics card which supports OpenGL.
- For Legacy Version of 32-bit AccuTrans 3D: Windows 95, 98, Me, NT,
2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10 operating system.
- For Current Version of either 32-bit or
64-bit AccuTrans 3D: Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 operating
Program Screen Shots:
- Using the DLL you can access many of the
features of AccuTrans 3D in your own custom program.
- Read and write files, convert text, align
surface normals and transfer vertices and triangles between
the DLL and your application.
- Example programs with source code show
how to use the DLL with Borland C++ Builder, Microsoft
Visual C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic.
License Agreement:
Price (License Fee):
Ordering Information / Payment:
Online Store:
License Fee for Distribution of DLL
- Address: MicroMouse Productions
847 Athol Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
Canada S4T 3B6
Privacy Statement: