The BMP or IFF file known as a contour map
can be converted to a landscape. Color palette index
0 is the lowest elevation in the landscape and color index
255 for BMP files or color index 31 for IFF files is the highest
The contour map can create a landscape that resembles
real world terrain or an imaginary landscape that looks nothing
like terrain.
Why create such a strange looking landscape? To
create 3D objects that look like carvings.
The example bitmap was converted to a landscape.
The landscape was then converted to a 3D object with the
automatic generation of UV texture coordinates. A texture
was then applied to the 3D object to make it look like a
wood carving.
To make each shape look like it was cut from a block of
wood, the triangles at sea level were deleted when the landscape
was converted to a 3D object.