Changes to the Program
Version 2.7.27: released December 23,
- Added support for writing Maya ma files.
Files are read by Maya 2.5 Evaluation Version.
- Fixed Problem: Divide by zero error when
saving an object with only one vertex.
- Fixed Problem: Access violation error
when reading a file if a RWX prototype only contained
one vertex.
- Fixed a problem when reading VRML proto
Version 2.7.25: released December 4,
- Added a second category for XYZ files.
The original and first category is called 'Mesh' and
the new and second category is called 'Point Cloud'.
The new category works the same as DXF point cloud files.
- Converting triangles to quads: Before
joining two triangles the angle between the two surface
normals is calculated and compared to a test value. The
test value is user adjustable and can be set for 0.0
degrees for coplanar triangles to any other value to
allow for some curvature in the quad.
- Added support for reading XYZ coordinates
stored as POINT entities in a DXF (point cloud) file
that was created by a sample probe measuring elevations
on a real world object.
Version 2.7.21: released November 8,
- Fixed problem: In the 'align surface normals'
module with the 'default rotations' button depressed,
the view window would not display the object correctly
after a rotation using the mouse.
- Changed writing of meshes, triangles and
quads to a 3DMF file so that the surface normals are
now pointing in the correct direction.
- BeginGroup and EndGroup are no longer
written to 3DMF files.
- A 3D object can now be written to a 3DMF
file as a group of quads (4 sided polygons) as well as
the previous mesh or group of triangles.
Version 2.7.18: released November 1,
- Fixed problem: trueSpace 5.1 files could
not be read.
Version 2.7.17: released November 1,
- Added a new preferences flag: Duplicate
faces can now either be removed (deleted) or not removed
when a file is read or when merging vertices, edges and
Version 2.7.16: released October 22,
- Fixed a problem that caused some computers
to go into an endless loop when reading VRML files.
Version 2.7.14: released October 17,
- Changed from a Single Work Area Interface to a Multiple Work Area
Interface. The number of multiple Work Areas has been
initially limited to six Work Areas.
- Added support for landscapes so that the
coordinates can be written to either an ASCII or Binary
XYZ file.
- Added support for reading binary XYZ files.
Version 2.7.10: released October 4, 2001
- The image displayed in the OpenGL viewer
can now be saved to a BMP file.
- Changes were made so that new files could
be loaded or a switch could be made to a different module
(such as 'editing points', 'aligning surface normals',
'create avatar') without first having to exit the module
being used.
Version 2.7.9: released September 25,
- Fixed a problem, for some video cards
in 1024 x 768 mode, where the controls were not positioned
correctly in the window.
Version 2.7.7: released September 24,
- For avatars, joint pivot points for layers
without tag numbers are now read and written to RWX files.
- A bounding box, with user selectable color,
can now be displayed around the entire object.
- Added an option to either reset or not
reset to two sided rendering from one sided rendering
when reading a new file.
- Hierarchy and joint pivot points for avatars
are now read from a 3DS file.
- Added a one level undo function to the
'Edit Vertices' module.
- Move or pan the camera using the mouse.
Press and hold the 'Ctrl' key and then press and hold
the right mouse button. Moving the mouse pointer up or
down or left or right will pan the camera.
- In the 'Edit Vertices' module, the number
of vertices, edges and triangles on the selected layer
are now displayed.
- 'Edit Vertices' and 'Align Surface Normals'
modules: To rotate the entire object using the mouse,
press and release the ' ` ' key located above the 'tab'
key and to the left of the '1' key. The entire object
can now be rotated using the mouse. When finished rotating
the object, press and release the ' ` ' key to return
either to editing vertices or aligning surface normals.
Using this key is the same as clicking on the 'Default
Rotations' button.
- Routine to detect key presses and releases
has been relocated to improve key detection.
- Fixed problem: When in 'Edit Vertices'
mode after selecting 'Edit2-> Default Rotations',
it could not be deselected.
- Location and size of the main window is
now stored in the at3d.prefs file.
- The upper and lower horizontal toolbars
can be positioned at the top or bottom of the main window.
- The 'Tool Palette' has been moved into
the main window and can be placed on either the right
or left side.
- Buttons can be displayed with and without
boundary edges.
- Disabled buttons can be displayed as ghosted
or invisible.
- Disabled menus and menu items can be displayed
as ghosted or invisible.
Version 2.7.5: released August 13, 2001
- Preliminary support for reading Maya RTG
files has been added. Several things still need to be
added including parent-child hierarchy and animation
Version 2.7.4: released August 12, 2001
- Due to problems with reading a couple
of file formats and current and future database changes,
the option to NOT delete layer attributes when clearing
a 3D object from memory has been discontinued. Layer
attributes are now always deleted.
- Fixed a problem when reading avatars from
a RWX file. If a 'Scale' command was placed before the
first 'ClumpBegin' command, the joint position was not
- In the 'Layer Attributes' dialog box,
click on the 'global copy' button associated with an
attribute and the value of that attribute will be copied
to all the other layers.
- In the 'Global Attributes' and 'Layer
Attributes' dialog boxes, enter a new value in an edit
box and press the 'Enter' key and the database is updated
and the position of the scroll bar will change. If the
'Enter' key is not pressed the database is not updated.
- The database for material attributes for
the layers has been extensively modified. The controls
in the 'Global Attributes' and 'Layer Attributes' dialog
boxes have been redesigned.
Version 2.7.3: released July 26, 2001
- Improved the conversion of polygons, using
more than 4 edges, into triangles. Multi sided polygons
that are twisted or have edges which cross over one another
may not convert correctly.
- Fixed several problems with the division
of RWX Clumps using multiple materials into multiple
Version 2.7.2: released July 24, 2001
- Fixed problem: When inserting a SEQ file
in an existing animation, memory overflow problem caused
an access violation error.
Version 2.7.0: released July 17, 2001
- Added a new warning message. If the 3D
object has been labeled as an avatar, a warning message
will be given if the 3D object is not being saved to
the file as an avatar.
- Avatar animation sequences can now be
saved to a Viewpoint Scene MTX file.
- 'Make Avatar' module: Additional controls
for 'Location', 'Altitude' and 'Facing Angle' have been
added plus controls for a 'Pin To Floor' feature.
- 'Make Avatar' module: All of the layers
in an avatar can now be made into joints and rotated.
- Added write support for Viewpoint Scene
MTX files. The required Wavefront OBJ and MTL files are
also written when the MTX file is created.
- Added a new file save feature so that
each layer making up the 3D object can be saved to its
own file. Select an output file name and the name of
each layer is appended to that file name as the file
is written.
- When an avatar animation is running in
the OpenGL viewer the avatar can be rotated using the
mouse in the 'Main' view window. Using buttons you can
zoom in, zoom out, reset the zoom, select 'front', 'right',
'left', 'back', 'top' or 'bottom' views or switch joints
using the body part/joint buttons. Short cut keys on
the keyboard can also be used.
- When using the OpenGL viewer in the 'Make
Avatar' module, three styles of avatars can be selected:
wireframe, hidden wireframe and solid painted.
- The stage in the 'Make Avatar' module
can now be wireframe or solid with colored squares. The
grid size for the stage and the length of the stage in
the X and Y directions can be changed. The color of the
squares can be changed.
- Added a new viewer using OpenGL. This
viewer is still under development.
- Fixed a problem in the 'Make Avatar' module:
The program went into an endless loop when trying to
change from the 'Move' page to another page or when clicking
on the 'Make Joint Rotations Permanent' button on the
'Action' page.
- Fixed a line buffer overflow problem when
reading Wavefront OBJ files created by Poser 4.
- Added writing quads with textures to Wavefront
OBJ files.
- Added preliminary reading of LightWave
6 (LW02) files for 3D geometry only (no textures).
- Fixed: The surface normals were pointing
in the wrong direction when a 3D object, but not a landscape,
was written to a STL file.
- Added a new check box called 'Origin'
in the 'Change Object 1' page. When this check box is
checked, the object rotates about the origin rather than
the center point of the object.
- Fixed a problem with reading multiple
layers from a STL file.
- Added an option to select not writing
the comments #texbegin and #texend to a RWX file.
- Fixed a problem where TextureModes were
not being written or were written incorrectly to a RWX
file. TextureModes can now be set in the 'Global Attributes'
dialog box.
- Fixed a problem, that occurred under a
certain condition, where the wrong vertex and UV pair
was picked for a polygon in a RWX file.
- Removed unnecessary ClumpBegin and ClumpEnd
pairs from some styles of RWX files.
- Textures are now written to all styles
of RWX files including files that contain quads.
- Textures are now written to 3DMF files.
- Fixed some problems with reading and writing
Wavefront OBJ files.
- Revised the internal database for the
program. Extensive code changes due to the new method
of addressing the database.
- Faster conversion of triangles to quads.
- Faster reading and writing of files.
- The user can now select which file formats
will be displayed in the combo boxes and menus when reading
and writing files. It is very easy and quick to switch
between the full list and the user list of file formats.
- Landscapes can now be written as either
ElevationGrid or IndexedFaceSet nodes to VRML files.
- Added reading of Extrusion and ElevationGrid
nodes for VRML files.
- Added a new function so that a pseudo
2D surface can be extruded so that it can be made into
a 3D object using the 3D Systems' StereoLithography Apparatus.
- Fixed problem when writing a RWX file.
Under a certain condition 'NULL' was not written after
the 'TextureModes' command. The file with this problem
could not be read by some programs.
- Fixed problem when reading a RWX file.
The matrix elements from the 'TransformJoint' command
were saved to the wrong matrix.
- Fixed problem where 'pelvis' was not written
as the name of the root joint in a SEQ file.
Version 2.6.0: released November 12,
- Improved reading of VRML files.
- Security removed with Version 2.5.32.
- Added support for reading and writing
textures for 3D Studio 3ds, RenderWare rwx, trueSpace
cob, VRML 1 and VRML 2 wrl, and Wavefront obj files.
- The LINE entity can now be used instead
of the POLYLINE entity when creating DXF files for the
extrusion module.
- Added support for PROTO nodes for VRML
files. This support will not work for all PROTO nodes.
- Changed security so that registered users
can reinstall software without having to obtain a new
- Added read and write support for SEQ files
for avatar animation sequences used with the Active Worlds
- Revised the 'Create Avatar' module so
that both key frames and inbetween frames for animations
can be created.
- A VRML 2.0 IndexedFaceSet that uses multiple
colors can now be divided into as many layers as there
are unique colors.
- Fixed problem where the faces were not
created properly when reading a VRML IndexedFaceSet that
used a large number of polygons.
- Added write only for 3D Metafile file
- New command combines all layers using
the same material properties into one layer.
- Revised material properties written to
a VRML file.
- Added writing of some material properties
to a 3D Studio file.
- Vary number of faces used with VRML cone,
cylinder and sphere primitives.
- For avatars, a new command merges all
children without tags with their tagged parent joint
to form one object.
Version 2.5.0: released February 9, 2000
- Installed a security system.
- Added read and write support for RenderWare
files including avatar support.
- Completed read and write support for RealiMation,
Version 4.1, files.
- Completed read and write support for Lightscape
- Added new display modes to show an object
as the camera is being rotated with the mouse.
- Added a routine to reduce the number of
vertices used in an outline formed from a polyline or
a TrueType font.
- Program code was switched from Borland
C++ Version 5.02 using OWL (Object Windows Library) to
Borland C++ Builder 3 using RAD (Rapid Application Development)